Monday, March 12, 2007


Where are my sons?

Where are my sons?

Where are the sons of Asewa?

Asewa the greatest warrior

Husband and father to many

Who crushed a lion with hands bare?

My friend, my friend
Tell me,

where my sons are

I know you are great

You are the greatest albino of the open sea

Fire eyes, fire mouth

You conquer many lands

Your fear now is mine

Where are my sons?

Where are my sons?

The sons of my youthful groin

My feet sinks in the red soil

I age and need a cloth to cover me

My backcloth is ragged Tattered as the baobab leaf

Tell me where my sons

Let dusk come near

chicken come home to roost

My sons strangely wander

fall into me

Into the strong arm of Asewa

A Dane-gun is no use to a weak arm

Need I see a scraggy face in a mirror?

That the flesh of my gut

Lay far far In Navado,

a great sea barn

The son of Asewa

My flesh
My blood


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